Psychological Development and Education ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 128-136.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.16

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The Influence of Subjective Childhood Trauma on Depression: The Multiple Mediating Effect of Anti-frustration Ability and Extraversion

YANG Wenmin, LU Jiachen, TAN Xin, LIANG Jingyuan, LEI Yi   

  1. Institute for Brain and Psychological Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610066
  • Published:2021-01-22

Abstract: The definition and scope of "childhood trauma" are different at home and abroad research. However, previous studies trended to focus on one or several kinds of trauma objectively, and did not explore the impact of trauma from an individual subjective point of view. The magnitude of stress defined objectively is not the only factor to measure the psychological impact, and it should also examine the traumatic events from individual perspective. Pevious studies have proven that the DSM-V definition of trauma events was found to be not necessary for the symptoms of PTSD. Previous studies have proven childhood trauma-personality-depression pathway, and one of the personality traits-extraversion, is an important protective factor for preventing depression and mediates the relationship between childhood trauma and depression. This study is the first to incorporate extraversion and Anti-frustration Ability to further expand childhood trauma-personality-depression pathway. So in this study,"childhood trauma" is defined as "a traumatic event experienced by an individual before the age of 14 and subjectively perceived from the perspective of the participants",to explore the relationship between childhood trauma and depression through quantitative and qualitative methods.
The questionnaire includes Essen Trauma Inventory、Anti-frustration Ability Questionnaire、Back Depression Inventory and Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Five-Factor Inventory. The participants of this study were 302 college students (Age is between 17~24 years old;143males,159 females).99 students (20.9%) had not experienced childhood traumatic events.
The Results indicate:Most of the trauma events collected do not consistent with the DSM-V definition of trauma events. Correlation analysis showed the following results:First, there are significant correlations between childhood trauma and depression, anti-frustration ability and extraversion. The structural equation model shows that subjective childhood trauma indirectly predicts depression through the mediating effects of extraversion and anti-frustration ability and the multiple mediating effects of the two. The mediating effect accounts for 61.7% of the total effect, which can explain the predictive effect of depression in childhood trauma moderately.
Our finding confirmed the pathway of childhood trauma to extraversion to anti-frustration ability to depression. The present study is the first to demonstrate the negative impact of subjective childhood trauma, although the event is not worth mentioning in the eyes of adults. And it further proves the stress model of childhood stress affecting adult depression. The results of this study have important theoretical and practical value for the scientific prevention and intervention of college students' depression.

Key words: college students, childhood trauma, anti-frustration ability, extraversion, depression

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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