Psychological Development and Education ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 682-691.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.06.06

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A Cross-lagged Study of Peer Victimization and Children's Interpersonal Relatedness Personality Traits: A Comparison Between Urban and Rural Children

LI Mengting1, FAN Weiqiao1, CHEN Xinyin2   

  1. 1. School of Education, Shanghai;Normal University, shanghai:200334;
    2. Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, PA 19104-6216, USA
  • Online:2018-11-15 Published:2018-12-27

Abstract: Although previous studies largely supported that peer victimization correlates with personality that mainly bases on Big Five model focused on intrapersonal dimensions, limited research examined the relationship between peer victimization and interpersonal relatedness personality, effectively highlighted in Chinese context. Our study examined the reciprocal relationship between peer victimization and harmony and social sensitivity, at both rural migrant and urban children with a two-year longitudinal design.
Seven hundred and Twenty-Two Preliminary Junior students, including 245 urban children (50.60% female; Mage=11.36 years old, SD=0.51) and 477 migrant children (57.10% female; Mage=11.54 years old, SD=0.64) from four junior secondary schools in Shanghai, were recruited. Two waves of data collection were conducted with a two-year interval. Peer victimization was assessed by the approach of peer behavior nomination with the Revised Class Play and teacher reports with Teacher-Child Rating scale. Interpersonal relatedness personality (i.e., harmony and social sensitivity) was measured with the Cross-Culture (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents.
Peer nomination of peer victimization showed a significant decrease from Wave I to Wave Ⅱ. Migrant group reported higher levels of social sensitivity than did the urban group. Significant negative correlations between peer victimization and both harmony and social sensitivity were supported across both groups. Cross-lagged path analyses were conducted after controlling for gender and SES. Peer-and teacher-rated peer victimization were two indicators of the latent peer victimization. (1) A reciprocal negative effect between peer victimization and harmony was supported at the migrant group. (2) As for the urban group, only the negative effect was significant from peer victimization at Preliminary Junior to harmony at Junior Two. (3) Peer victimization at Preliminary Junior had a negative effect on social sensitivity at Junior Two across the two groups.
Conclusively, the negative influences of peer victimization on children's personality development at the junior school period should be tried to reduce or avoid in the practice of integrated education and school management. For instance, a harmony interpersonal relationship might be beneficial to reducing peer victimization and promoting their adaptation to urban environment. Alternatively, with the social change and urbanization in China, city-lived adolescents including both migrant and native populations should adapt the multi-cultural society and life-styles with open minds.

Key words: rural migrant children, urban native children, peer victimization, interpersonal relatedness personality, cross-lagged analysis

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  • B844
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