Psychological Development and Education ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 411-419.

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Analysis of Age Characteristics on Visual Coding in Chinese Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements

LIU Zhi-fang1, WENG Shi-hua1,2, ZHANG Feng1   

  1. 1. Department of Psychology, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China, 315211;
    2. Anhui Crearo Technology CO., LTD, Hefei, China, 230088
  • Online:2014-07-15 Published:2014-07-15

Abstract: A disappearing text experiment was conducted to examine how disappearing text influence on readers' visual coding on fixated word in Chinese reading. We manipulate the delay time in the disappearing text conditions. Third Grade children, fifth Grade children, young adults, and aged persons participated the experiment. The results were as following: (1) for sentence total reading time, the disappearing text manipulations had no effect on fifth Grade children and young adults, but interrupted third Grade children and old persons' reading seriously; (2) disappearing text manipulations did not prolong gaze duration in first pass reading on word for fifth Grade children, young adults, and aged persons, but influenced third Grade children's gaze duration on word interesting area; (3) third, fifth Grade children and aged persons made more regressions in disappearing text manipulations than in the control. The results indicated that ability of visual coding in reading was mature in fifth Grade, and this ability was also aging, and that the production of visual coding was still important to the latter word procession for children.

Key words: Chinese reading, visual coding, disappearing text, eye movements

CLC Number: 

  • G442

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