Psychological Development and Education ›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 31-37.

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The Relationship Between Reality Altruistic Behavior and Internet Altruistic Behavior:the Role of Online Social Support

ZHENG Xian-liang1,2   

  1. 1. Educational Economic Research Center, Gannan Normal College, Ganzhou 341000;
    2. Educational Science School, Gannan Normal College, Ganzhou 341000
  • Online:2013-01-15 Published:2013-01-15

Abstract: Based on 366 college students and with Internet Altruistic Behavior Scale of Undergraduates, Adolescents' 0nline Social Support Questionnaire and College Students' Altruistic Behavior Questionnaire, a survey was conducted to examine the mediating and moderating role of online social support on the relationship between reality altruistic behavior and internet altruistic behavior. The results indicated that:(1) The total average score of college students' internet altruistic behavior was significantly lower than medium critical value, while the total average score of their reality altruistic behavior and online social support were significantly higher than medium critical value.(2) There were significant positive correlations among reality altruistic behavior, online social support and internet altruistic behavior.(3) The effect of reality altruistic behavior on internet altruistic behavior was fully mediated by online social support.(4) Online social support also moderated the relationship between reality altruistic behavior and internet altruistic behavior. Compared to less online social supporters, the effect of reality altruistic behavior on internet altruistic behavior was much stronger for higher online social support counterparts.

Key words: internet altruistic behavior, online social support, mediating role, moderating role

CLC Number: 

  • B844.3
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