Psychological Development and Education ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 50-55,60.

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Future-Oriented Goals and Fears among General Senior High School Students and Secondary Vocational School Students

ZHANG Ling-ling1, ZHANG Wen-xin1, ZHOU Xiu-qin2, HU Yi-xin1, WANG Shu-qiong1   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014;
    2. Middle School, Jinan 250014
  • Online:2008-10-15 Published:2008-10-15

Abstract: Chinese version of Future Orientation Questionnaire was administered to 1997 students respectively from 6 general senior high schools and 6 secondary vocational schools to explore the content and temporal extension of adolescents'future-oriented goals and fears.The results are as follows:Students'future-oriented goals and concerns were most often concerned with the major developmental tasks of their age period,and many students also reported goals and fears concerning family's well-being,and self-health fears.Students anticipated the important life events would be realized during their twenty to thirty years old.Significant school-type effect emerged such that general senior high school students reported more goals and fears concerning future education and more fears concerning family's well-being than secondary vocational school students who reporting more occupation goals and fears and expecting their occupation goals and fears to be realized earlier.Significant location effects were attributable to rural students reporting more goals concerning future education and family's well-being and less occupation goals,expecting their education and occupation goals and occupation fears to be realized earlier than urban students.Significant gender effect indicated males reported more occupation and marriageΠfamily goals and self-health fears,expected their education and occupation goals to be realized later than females,while females reported more goals concerning family's well-being and fears concerning future education.

Key words: general senior high school education, secondary vocational education, future-oriented goal, fear, temporal extension

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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