Psychological Development and Education ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 6-12.

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Relationship between Categorization and Category-based Induction in Early Age

LONG Chang-quan1,2,3, LU Xiao-ying1,2,3, LI Hong1,2,3, FAN Ji-dan1,2,3   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality of MOE, Southwest University, Chongqing, CN;
    2. School of psychology, Southwest University;
    3. Sino-Candian Research Center for Child Development
  • Online:2008-04-15 Published:2008-04-15

Abstract: In traditional opinion,the function of category is to support inductive reasoning. According to this view, children's categorization wauld be consistent with categorybased induction. If child categorize objects based on similarity,they would also make induction based on similarity. Otherwise,when child categorize objects based on concept,they would use concept to make induction. Recently,Slo utsky,Kloos and Fisher (2007)'s study showed that children' s categorization and induction had a disassociation. In fact,many studies showed that young children would mainly base on similarity to classify objects whereas children would base on similarity or concept to support induction in different tasks. These studies indicated that it wauld have a complex relationship between categorization and category based induction in early development.Total 96 4-yearold children were divided into four tasks including categorization tasks and induction tasks in photos and drawings. In other words,it was designed to be 2(materials:photos and drawings) ×2(tasks:categorization and induction) between subjects. Each task included six groups of items. Each experimental group included three items;the first was the target stimulus and the second and third were the selective stimulus. The second one was similarity wrath the first but belong to different concept and the third one was dissimilarity wrath the first but belong to the same concept. In photos,children showed inconsistently between categorization and category-based induction. They based on similarity in categorization but mainly based on concepts in induction. However,children showed consistently between categorization and induction in drawnngs. They mainly used similarity to categorization and induction. The relationship would be complex in early categorization and category-based induction. It would be necessarily to integrate the work on categorization and category-based induction.

Key words: category, category-based induction, concept

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