Psychological Development and Education ›› 2004, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 40-45.

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A Comparative Study on Liability Judgment between Training Students and General Students

LI An1   

  1. Psychology Departemtn Hangzhou Teachers College Hangzhou Zhejiang 310012
  • Online:2004-04-15 Published:2004-04-15

Abstract: 40 training students and general students have been tested by Implicit Association Test to study their different liability judgment.The results indicate:the respond time of training students in recognizing aggressive words and relevant phrases about "liability lies on others" is shorter than that of general students; training students respond quicker on phrases about "liability lies on others" than on those phrases about "liability lies on myself",while the situation is the opposite when it comes to general stuents;training students'combined respond time on "liability lies on others-attack,liability lies on myself-not attack" is shorter than that of general students.Such differences on respond time reflect that there exists implicit association on aggressive attribution and aggressive belief in training students.

Key words: liability attribution, implicit association, aggressive behaveior, social congintion

CLC Number: 

  • B844.14
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