Psychological Development and Education ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 902-912.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.06.17

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“Two Halves” and “Tripartite Confrontation”: New Structures of Rejection Sensitivity from the Perspective of Adjustment Functioning

YAO Wenyu1, ZHANG Wen1, ZHENG Qinyi1, GONG Lijuan1, DING Xuechen1,2   

  1. 1. Department of Psychology, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234;
    2. The Research Base of Online Education for Shanghai Middle and Primary Schools, Shanghai 200234
  • Published:2022-11-29

Abstract: Rejection sensitivity refers to a cognitive-affective disposition to expect, perceive, and/or overreact to imply or overt rejection anxiously or angrily. Most of the previous studies examined rejection sensitivity as a single-factor structure. However, researchers have begun to focus on the two-factor and three-factor structures of rejection sensitivity recently, especially in different adjustment functioning. Specifically, the anxiety expectations were associated with internalizing problems, whereas the anger expectations were associated with externalizing problems. Rejection expectations which were considered as the cognitive component were also need to be noted. Future studies should pay attention to the effect of gender on different components, provide more evidence from behavioral and neuroscience field, conduct more local studies and focus on the effect of age on rejection sensitivity in order to understand the mechanism of rejection sensitivity. Also, researchers should emphasize on interventions for different components of rejection sensitivity.

Key words: rejection sensitivity, anxiety expectations, anger expectations, rejection expectations, adjustment functioning

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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