心理发展与教育 ›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 198-203.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.09

• 教与学心理学 • 上一篇    下一篇


车晓玮, 张倩, 李寿欣   

  1. 山东师范大学心理学院, 济南 250014
  • 出版日期:2015-03-15 发布日期:2015-03-15
  • 通讯作者: 李寿欣,E-mail:shouxinli@sdnu.edu.cn E-mail:shouxinli@sdnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Influence of The Familiarity of Distractions and Cognitive Styles in Text Reading

CHE Xiaowei, ZHANG Qian, LI Shouxin   

  1. School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014
  • Online:2015-03-15 Published:2015-03-15

摘要: 采用熟悉词和不熟悉词为干扰材料,考察了干扰材料的熟悉性对语篇阅读的影响.实验第一阶段要求不同认知方式被试朗读插入熟悉度不同干扰材料的短文,考查被试的阅读效率;第二阶段采用学习—自由回忆任务考查不同提示条件下在短文中使用过的干扰词和新词的学习效果.结果发现:(1)对场独立者而言,熟悉词的干扰作用明显大于不熟悉词,而对场依存者而言,熟悉词和不熟悉词的干扰作用无差异;(2)在提示条件下,被试对干扰词的回忆量大于对新词的回忆量.研究结果表明,在语篇阅读过程中,与场依存者相比,熟悉的干扰材料对场独立者的影响更大;熟悉词比不熟悉词产生更大干扰的原因可能是由于其激活了读者更多的经验,而非具有加工的优势.

关键词: 干扰, 熟悉度, 场依存, 场独立, 语篇阅读

Abstract: The present study explored how the familiarity of distractions and individual cognitive styles influenced text reading by using familiar and unfamiliar words. The study included two stages. In the first stage, participants with different cognitive styles read eight passages and then answered three questions. In the second stage, participants studied a list of 16 words for free recall, consisting of 8 previously familiar distracting words, 8 new familiar words, or consisting of 8 previously unfamiliar distracting words, 8 new unfamiliar words. Half of the participants were cued about the relevance of previous distractions and text reading before recalling the words in the memory test. The results are as follows: the influence of the familiar words was significantly higher than that of the unfamiliar words for field independent participants, while there were no significant differences for field dependent participants. Furthermore, the number of old words (previously distractions) recalled was significantly higher than that of new words in the cued memory task for both familiar and unfamiliar words. The results indicate that: (1) compared to field dependent individuals, field independent individuals are more easily influenced by familiar distractions in text reading; (2) familiar words could lead more significant interference than unfamiliar ones in reading, possibly due to the activation of individual experience rather than the processing priority of familiar words.

Key words: interference, familiarity, field dependence, field independence, text reading


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