Psychological Development and Education ›› 2004, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 1-5.

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A Primary Study on the Development of the Infant’s Trait Inferences

WANG Pei1, ZHAO Zhi-xia2   

  1. The Academy of the Educational Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070
  • Online:2004-01-15 Published:2004-01-15

Abstract: This study investigated the infants' capacity to use trait as media for making inferences about mental state.The findings showed that for them trait can serve as a basis for making mental inferences: infants' familiarity with trait was remarkably promoted with age, so did their ability to make inferences, however, there is lack of sufficient evidence that they fully understood the mental trait.

Key words: trait, mental state, trait inference, infant

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