Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 295-301.

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A Study on Development of Teachers’ Mental Health Scale and Its Status

YU Guo-liang1, JIN Dong-xian2, ZHENG Jian-jun3   

  1. 1. The Institute of Psychology Research, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China;
    2. China National Institute for Educational Research, Beijing 100088, China;
    3. School of Psychology、Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Online:2010-05-15 Published:2010-05-15

Abstract: Based on summarization related theories and previous research with teachers,A Teachers' Mental Health Scale (TMHS) was developed,and from 7 provinces and cities such as Beijing,Hebei,Jiangsu,Shandong,Shanxi,Zhejiang,Qinghai 1819 teachers were administered with the scale.The findings showed that (1) The Teachers' Mental Health Scale includes self,life,work and society.The Teachers' Mental Health Scale established by the four subscales has high reliability and validity and can be used to measure the mental health of teachers.(2) This research shows that the teacher's mental health status belongs to a healthy state,and all teachers of the kindergartens,primary schools,the junior schools and the universities have the problems of expansionary and adaptability,but the high school teachers has only adaptability questions and they don't have expansionary questions.

Key words: teachers’ mental health, expansionary questions, adaptability questions, development of scale

CLC Number: 

  • G449
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[1] YU Guo-liang, JIN Dong-xian, ZHENG Jian-jun. A Study on Development of Teachers’ Mental Health Scale and Its Status [J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2010, 26(3): 295-301.
[2] YU Guo-liang, JIN Dong-xian, ZHENG Jian-jun. A Study on Development of Teachers’ Mental Health Scale and Its Status [J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2010, 26(3): 295-301.
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