CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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[1] 错误照片任务测试与错误信念测试有些类似,但并不涉及心理状态,例如情境故事:当相机拍下弹子球位置的照片后,将弹子球移动到新位置后,问儿童"照片上弹子球的位置会在哪里?".在这一实验范式中,考察儿童的是对现实的表征,而不是对心理状态的表征.
[1] ZHOU Hai-li, ZHOU Hui. 4- to 7-Year-olds' Trust Judgment Based on Trustee's Trustworthiness Traits and Scenarios [J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2014, 30(6): 570-576.
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[4] LU Chun, GUO Hong-Li, SI Ji-wei, SUN Yan. Representation Patterns of Children’s and Adults’ Fraction Estimation on Different Number Lines [J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2014, 30(5): 449-456.
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[15] NI Shi-guang, LI Hong. The Effect of Coping and Social Support on the Relationship between Perceived Discrimination and Identity Integration among Chinese Migrant Children [J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2014, 30(1): 31-38.
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