Psychological Development and Education ›› 2007, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 38-44.

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The Features of Sad-Happy Faces Discrimination in Secondary Schools and Universities

JIANG Chang-hao1,2, GUO De-jun2, ZHAO Lun3, ZHANG Qin2, WANG Zheng-hong4, FANG Ping2   

  1. 1. Department of Research, Capital Institute of Physical, Beijing 100088;
    2. Department of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037;
    3. Institute of Linguistics, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou 221116;
    4. Department of Psychology, Shanxi Normal University, Xian 710000
  • Online:2007-10-15 Published:2007-10-15

Abstract: The paper applied the event-related potentials studies and facial discrimination pattern to discuss the characteristics of facial expression processing of students in secondary schools and universities.From the research we could see that sad effects presented at 550~800 millisecond after stimulus in three age periods.And the amplitude of LPC of sad faces was stronger than that of happy faces,which indicated that similar neural mechanism of facial expression processing exist in three age periods.In addition,by comparing ERPs of sad expression in three age periods,we found that the younger subjects were,the stronger the amplitude of N2 was.The older subjects were,the stronger the amplitude of P3 was.The result indicated that with growth,adolescents' ability of emotion regulation and advanced brain function become better.

Key words: affective face, event-related potentials, late positive component, emotional development

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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