Psychological Development and Education ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 298-304.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.02.17

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A Review on Conceptual Representation and Its Methods of Prosocial Behavior

ZHANG Jiemin, TAO Yun, YANG Shuhan, CHEN Rui   

  1. Faculty of Education, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500
  • Published:2024-03-18

Abstract: Based on the classical and prototype theories of conceptual representation, this paper discusses the representation ways and methods of prosocial behavior concepts of “researcher-centered” and “subject-centered” respectively. The conceptual representation of prosocial behavior based on classical theory is often limited to altruistic characteristics, ignoring the differences in understanding caused by the specificity of the subjects, and decomposing its meaning according to component analysis, which has some limitations such as subjectivity, one-sidedness and low applicability. According to prototype theory, the conceptual representation of prosocial behavior breaks through the traditional concept category of prosocial behavior through the process of free enumeration-prototype analysis-repeated verification, starting from the subjects' own cognition and paying attention to the subjects’ characteristics. However, there are still doubts about the stability and applicability of this structure. Through the comparative analysis of the two theories, this paper proposes to enrich the conceptual structure of prosocial behavior from the perspective of group specificity and situation specificity, and further, integrate and improve the theoretical model of the conceptual representation of prosocial behavior.

Key words: prosocial behavior, conceptual representation, classical theory, prototype theory

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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