Psychological Development and Education ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 313-320.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.08

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Cue Strength: The Important Variables of The Examination of Retrieval Practice Effect Mechanism

MA Xiaofeng, ZHOU Aibao, YANG Xiaoe   

  1. Guidance Center on Student Learning, School of Psychology, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15

Abstract: Retrieval practice refers to retrieval (test) learning materials for once or more times in an equivalent time. Retrieval practice induced better knowledge transfer and more lasting memory than repetition and fine processing, the phenomenon known as retrieval practice effect, also known as the test effect. Controversial interpretation exists of the retrieval practice effect mechanism. The fact is the retrieval practice effect has been repeated over and gets lots of empirical results, while the related theoretical research is relatively less. The main point of view has not yet formed a unified conclusion, and there are serious differences mainly on the interpretation of the retrieval practical effect by the elaborative retrieval hypothesis and the episodic context account. The present research used the classical paradigm of retrieval practice effect to explore the important role of the cue strength of learning material to explaining the retrieval practice effect mechanism. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses. The two experiments all use 2 (cue strength:strong vs. weak)×2 (study strategy type:retrieval practice vs. elaborate processing) between-subjects design. In experiment 1, 94 college students were engaged and completed cued recall in final test. In experiment 2, 75 college students participated in experiment and completed recognition in final test.The results showed that:1) the cued recall condition, the interaction effect of the stress of cue and learning strategy was significant, under the strong cue condition, the difference between memory performance of elaborate processing and retrieval practice was not significant; while significant under the weak cue condition. 2) the recognition test showed significant interaction effect between cue strength and strategy on the false alarm rate of the semantic relative words. There's no significant difference between the weak cue condition and strong cue condition under the retrieval practice group; while the false alarm rate of weak cue condition was significant higher than the strong cue condition under the elaborate processing group. 3) the reaction time of recognition target word showed significant interaction effect on the recognition test between the strength of cue and learning strategy. There's no significant difference between elaborate processing groups under different strength of cue condition; while the weak cue condition showed significant longer reaction time than the strong cue effect under the retrieval practice group. The results implied that the cue strength is the key variable to distinguish retrieval practice and elaborate processing. The internal processing mechanism of retrieval practice is different to elaborate processing, refuted the elaborative retrieval hypothesis, supported the episodic context account.

Key words: retrieval practice, elaborate retrieval, episodic context, semantic activation

CLC Number: 

  • G442

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