Psychological Development and Education ›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 344-352.

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The Impact of Dynamic Information Presentation to Problem Finding

CHEN Li-jun1, ZHENG Xue2   

  1. 1. Educational school, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou 510665;
    2. Psychological school, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631
  • Online:2013-07-15 Published:2013-07-15

Abstract: In the way of many-round dynamic information presentation and one-round static information presentation, the characteristics of problem finding of 20 university students was compared between the conflict situation and the potential situation by means of thinking aloud. The influence of dynamic information presentation to the quantity, quality and area in problem finding, the correction condition of students after new information presented, and the evaluation of effects the new information were studied importantly. The research found out, the students were promoted to process information more meticulously and thoroughly in the dynamic information presentation than in the static information presentation, and they could find more quantitative and flexible problems. However, the links between information could be blocked in the dynamic information presentation, and it was not conducive to the interregional problems. In the way of two kinds of presentation, problems had different features in the area distribution. In the dynamic presentation, the problems distributed uniformly in each area, the problems appeared according to the round sequential, and matched with the new round information. But the characteristics of problems in the static presentation were contrary. After the presentation of new round information, the problems could be divided into five categories, which including new problems, change-direction problems, change-degree problems, consistent problems and connective problems. There were more relevant between new information and previous information in the potential situation. For the influence of new information, what the students mentioned most were the original evaluation and understanding more deeply. No effect was mentioned least. The influence was different according to the category of situation and the property of the new information.

Key words: problem finding, dynamic information presentation, static information presentation, many-round information, thinking aloud

CLC Number: 

  • B844.3
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