Psychological Development and Education ›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 262-267.

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Development of Cognitive Functioning and Aging of Adults:A Cross-Section Study with Diminished Cohort Effects

TANG Xi-rong1,2, JIANG Li1, ZENG Hui1, YAO Shu-qiao1   

  1. 1. Medical Psychological Institute; Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University; Changsha 410011;
    2. Clinical Psychological Department, the First Hospital Affiliated to University of South China; Hengyang 421001
  • Online:2013-05-15 Published:2013-05-15

Abstract: To explore the development of cognitive functioning and aging of Chinese adults, the data of the standardization sample of the Intelligence Scale for Chinese Adults were adopted to estimate special mean of intelligence quotient and three intelligence indices for every age-group, during which education level and occupation were controlled statistically in order to diminish cohort effects. Different fashion in age trend was found among the three indices and IQ. Crystallized intelligence index increased 0.69 from age -group 25-29 to age-group 35-44 and then decreased 3.3 totally. Attention-memory index peaked in the age-group 25-29 and decreased 3.3 from age-group 25-29 to 34-44 totally, while decreased 3 or so in every group from age-group 45-54 to 70-74. The fluid intelligence index and IQ shared resembling fashion of age trend with the crystallized intelligence index, albeit the range between the highest score and the lowest score was shorter. The results suggest that crystallized intelligence maintain stable before 74 years old while in domain of fluid intelligence and ability of attention and memory obvious linear decline present in Chinese adults.

Key words: cognitive functioning, intelligence scale, Crystallized intelligence, Fluid intelligence, adulthood

CLC Number: 

  • B844.3

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