Psychological Development and Education ›› 2012, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 665-672.

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Analysis of Cross-distribution for Estimating Variance Components in Generalizability Theory

LI Guang-ming1, ZHANG Min-qiang2   

  1. 1. Department of Psychology, School of Education, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China;
    2. Research Center of Psychological Application, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
  • Online:2012-11-15 Published:2012-11-15

Abstract: Estimating variability is an essential part of generalizability theory and is of central importance.The study adopted Monte Carlo data simulation technique to explore the effect of three data distribution on four method of estimating variance components for generalizability theory.Three data distribution were normal data distribution, dichotomous data distribution and polytomous data distribution.Four estimated methods were traditional method, bootstrap method,jackknife method and Markov Chain Monte Carlo method(MCMC).The results show that the performance of four methods is different for three data distribution.Traditional method is good for normal distribution data and polychromous distribution data.But it is not good and needs to be adjusted for dichotomous distribution data.Jackknife method accurately estimates variance components for three data distribution.As for estimating variance components,adjusted bootstrap method is better than unadjusted bootstrap methods.Compared with MCMC method with non-informative priors,MCMC method with informative priors is good for estimating variance components in generalizability theory.Data distribution has an effect on the method of estimating variance components for generalizability theory.Those methods,which can be applied for normal data distribution,could not be applied for other distribution data such as dichotomous data distribution and polytomous data distribution.Data distribution imposes restrictions on estimating variance components for these four methods.So different methods need be distinguished to use to do a good analysis of cross-distribution for estimating variance components in generalizability theory.

Key words: Generalizability Theory, Estimating variance components, Analysis of cross-distribution, Monte Carlo data simulation

CLC Number: 

  • B841
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