Psychological Development and Education ›› 2000, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1): 19-23.

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The Experimental Study about Children’s Judhment and Attribution Patterns of Moral Emotion in Prosocial Context


  • Online:2000-01-15 Published:2000-01-15

Abstract: Using the approach of the clinica1 conversation as to the story's context,thisstudy ana1yses judgment and attribution patterns of mora1 emotion of 4-and 6-year-o1d children in prosocial moral contexs.The results are shown as fo1lowing: (1) In prosocial contexts,young children are inclined to judge the actor can experience negative emotion,while older chi1dren be1ieve the actor wi11 be glad due to his good deed; (2) In attribution tasks,4-year-o1d chi1dren are consequence-oriented,whi1e six are from consequence-oriented to moral-oriented; (3) The prosocia1 types don't effect judgement and attribution of moral emotion,(4) Even 4-year-old can make judgment and attribution for his own emotional experience accord with moral ru1es in perspective-taking tasks.

Key words: Prosocial Colltext, Moral Judgement, Emotion Judgement, Attibution Pattern

CLC Number: 

  • B844.12
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