Psychological Development and Education ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 380-386.

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Impacts of Examination Institutional Trust on College Students' Academic Engagement Intention

LIU You-hui1, XIN Zi-qiang1, MING Lang2   

  1. 1. Department of Psychology at School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081;
    2. China Citic Bank Taiyuan Branch, Taiyuan 030002
  • Online:2014-07-15 Published:2014-07-15

Abstract: Perceptions of the fairness of the social institution may affect individual's trust in institutions. To our knowledge, however, there were no experimental studies examining how institutional trust affected individuals' academic engagement intention. By priming the trust or distrust of two samples consisted of 119 and 112 junior students, Study 1 explored how the people's institutional trust in the graduate school entrance exam affected academic engagement intention. The result showed that academic engagement intention was significantly higher under the condition of institutional trust than under the condition of institutional distrust. Study 2 examined the effects of the people's institutional trust in the graduate school entrance exam, civil service examination and recruitments on academic engagement intention. The result indicated that trust in the general examination institutions can also have effect on participants' academic engagement intention. In a word, examination institutional trust can increase the college students' academic engagement intention.

Key words: institutional trust, academic engagement intention, the institution of graduate school entrance exam, general examination institutions

CLC Number: 

  • B844.3

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