Psychological Development and Education ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 46-54.

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The Development of Various Orthographic Skills and Their Roles in Learning to Read in English among Chinese Elementary School Students

CHENG Yao, YANG Zhen, HUANG Xiu-mei, TAO Sha   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Online:2014-01-15 Published:2014-01-15

Abstract: The development of various orthographic skills and their roles in learning to read in English among Mandarin-speaking children were examined by testing 110 students from Grades 1,3 and 5 on the Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, English orthographic coding, English orthographic structure awareness, English orthographic image, English phonological awareness and English word reading. Results indicated that: (1) English orthographic skills significantly increased with grade. In Grade 1 there were no significant correlations among English orthographic skills and phonological awareness; in Grade 3, orthographic skills correlated with each other significantly, and among which orthographic image and orthographic structure awareness significantly correlated with phonological awareness ;in Grade 5, orthographic image significantly correlated with the other two skills, while only orthographic image significantly correlated with phonological awareness;(2) after controlling for age, nonverbal IQ and phonological awareness, English orthographic skills accounted for unique variances of word reading in Grades 3 and 5, even more than what phonological awareness did; (3) after controlling for other skills, orthographic image still significantly accounted for unique variances of word reading in Grades 3 and 5.Orthographic coding skill significantly accounted for unique variances of word reading in Grade 5. In contrast, orthographic structure awareness had indirect effects on word reading, fully mediated by orthographic image. The findings suggest more attention may be paid on orthographic skills when instructing Chinese children to read in English.

Key words: orthographic skills, English reading, second-language learning

CLC Number: 

  • G442

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