Psychological Development and Education ›› 2012, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 54-60.

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Judgments of Learning of The Higher Graders in Elementary School: Absolute Accuracy and the Foresight Bias

JIA Ning1, DAI Jing-hua2   

  1. 1. School of Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024;
    2. Hebei Medical University at Xishan, Shijiazhuang 050228
  • Online:2012-01-15 Published:2012-01-15

Abstract: In the present study,4~6th graders of primary school participated in the experiment,and the concrete noun pairs were selected as experimental materials.Experiment 1 explored the foresight bias of immediate JOLs.In experiment 1,subjects were instructed that they would have to study 30 paired associates and would have to indicate their JOLs about each pair as soon as it disappeared from the screen.They were told that in the test phase,they would see each stimulus word in turn and would be asked to recall the corresponding response word.Experiment 2 explored the foresight bias of delayed JOLs.The conclusions are that(1)there are age differences in the absolute accuracy of immediate JOLs.Specially,age differences are different in the forward and backward associations.(2) There are age differences in the foresight bias.When students making immediate JOL,there were foresight biases in the JOLs of fifth and sixth graders,but not in the JOLs of fourth-graders.(3)Foresight bias induces students to overestimate their memory.Delayed JOL can reduce the foresight bias.

Key words: the higher graders in elementary School, judgment of learning, absolute accuracy, foresight bias

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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