Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 205-209.

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An Exploration of Individual Difference Theories of Working Memory

CAI Dan, LI Qi-wei, DENG Ci-ping   

  1. The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062
  • Online:2010-03-15 Published:2010-03-15

Abstract: Amounts of research on working memory began focusing on the individual difference.Firstly,episodic buffer was introduced into the multi-component model of working memory.Secondly,the dual-task paradigm approved the view that executive control(attention)is the core of individual difference in working memory. Working memory capacity was recommended as another method for measuring the individual difference of working memory.The controversy of the relationship between working memory and g-factor is never calm down.The reviews suggested that the domain-general and domain-specific,as well as the neuroscience method might be the future trend in the field of individual difference in working memory.

Key words: cognitive-situated, executive control(attention), working memory capacity, g-factor

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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