Psychological Development and Education ›› 2009, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 26-31,38.

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The Developmental Trends of Chinese Children’s Oral English Output Forms

LI Yan-fang1,2, GUAN Yi-jie3,4, LOU Chun-fang5, Dong Qi1,2   

  1. 1. Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Leaming, Beijing 100875;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    3. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 1008754;
    4. Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology, Beijing 100875;
    5. Save the Children
  • Online:2009-07-15 Published:2009-07-15

Abstract: Four tasks(self-introduction, picture narrating, role play and asking questions)were used to identify developmental trends of Chinese children's oral English output forms.The children of second, fourth and sixth grade(N=82)from an ordinary primary school of Beijing were tested in the current study.The results indicated:(1)With the children going to higher grades, the amount of formulaic speech decreases while that of other ungrammatical speech increases.Right but not formulaic speech increases and remains stable in grade 4.(2)In grade 2, the formulaic speech is the main output form.In grade 4, the amount of both simplified speech and right but not formulaic speech increases. In grade 6, the amount of simplified speech increases, however, the formulaic speech still is the main output form.

Key words: oral english, primary school students, oral output form

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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