Psychological Development and Education ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 619-627.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.05.02

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Research on Cognitive Load of Graphic Processing in Virtual Reality Learning Environment

CHEN Lijun, LIU Limin, LIN Yueyang, ZHANG Lingyan   

  1. Faculty of Educational Science and Technology, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou 510665
  • Published:2021-09-23

Abstract: To detect influential factors of cognitive load in virtual reality learning environment, this study selected 44 undergraduates as subjects to conduct a three-factor mixed design experiment:3 (memorization project number:3, 4, 5)×2 (presentation time:0.5s, 0.8s)×2 (text clues:with or without), using single stimulus test paradigm for stimulus perception detection and dual-task paradigm for cognitive load measurement. Participants were asked to determine whether a figure had just appeared on certain position or not after learning. A sub-task signal appeared half the time. The results showed that:(1) The number of items has a significant impact on learners' cognitive load. The more items, the lower the correct rate of main task and the higher the learners' cognitive load was. The appropriate number of stimulus is four;(2) Item duration had a significant impact on learners' cognitive load. The longer the item duration, the higher the accuracy of sub-tasks and the lower the learners' cognitive load was. However, item duration didn't affect main-task's performance. Item duration longer than 0.5s was helpful for sub-task processing;(3) Text cues had significant effect on cognitive load. Repeated text cues increased cognitive load. These findings illustrated that number of items and length of item duration was positively related to cognitive load; text clue was helpful to released subjective cognitive load. Task performance and subjective measurement indicators were not always consistent in reflecting cognitive load intensity.

Key words: virtual reality learning environment, cognitive load, graphic processing, presentation time, text clues

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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