心理发展与教育 ›› 2002, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 32-36.

• 认知与社会性发展 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 解放后勤指挥学院, 后勤政工教研室, 北京, 100858
  • 出版日期:2002-01-15 发布日期:2002-01-15
  • 作者简介:高广宏(1967- ),女,中国人民解放军后勤指挥学院讲师.

The Effects of the Context on Word Recognition of Primary School and Middle School Students

GAO Guang-hong   

  1. Logiotics Command Academy of the PLA, Beijing 100858
  • Online:2002-01-15 Published:2002-01-15

摘要: 以223名小五、初二、高二学生为被试,探讨对学习项目的加工水平与再认中场合效应的关系以及这种关系的年龄特征。结果表明:(1)当对学习项目进行深加工时,场合因素对三个年级再认效果的影响没有表现出年龄趋势;当对学习项目进行浅加工时,场合因素对小学五年级再认效果的影响显著高于对初二、高二年级的影响,而初二、高二年级的差异不显著;(2)小学五年级学生再认中的场合效应与掩蔽模型的假设一致,初二、高二年级学生的场合效应与加和整体匹配模型的假设一致。

关键词: 场合, 场合效应, 中小学生

Abstract: 223 5th,8th,11th graders were seleeted to explore the relation between the level of processing to study item and the context effect in recognition and age diferenc of this relation.The results show:(1)On the condition that subjects made deep level of processing to study item,the differences of the magnitude of the context ef ects of three grades are not significant;But on the condition that subjects made shallow level of processing to study item,the average of the context effect of the fifth graders is significantly higher than that of the 8th gradersand that of the 11th graders,and the dif erence of the magnitude of the context effect between the 8th graders and the 11th graders is not significant;(2)Context effects in recognition of the 5th graders are consistent with the outshining hypothesis,and context effects of the 11th graders and the 11th graders are consistent with the additive global matching models.

Key words: context, the magnitude of the context effect, primary school and middle school students


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