心理发展与教育 ›› 2000, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1): 24-29.

• 儿童青少年心理学 • 上一篇    下一篇


周燕1, 庞丽娟2, 赵红利3   

  1. 1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 100875;
    2. 北京师范大学教育系 100875;
    3. 河南平顶山师范学院教育系 467000
  • 出版日期:2000-01-15 发布日期:2000-01-15
  • 作者简介:周燕,女(1972- ),安徽人,北京师范大学发展心理研究所97级博士生.

4-and 5-Year-Old Children’s Counting: Its Principles and Appliance

周燕1, 庞丽娟2, 赵红利3   

  1. 1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 100875;
    2. 北京师范大学教育系 100875;
    3. 河南平顶山师范学院教育系 467000
  • Online:2000-01-15 Published:2000-01-15

摘要: 本研究的主要目的是考察4-5岁儿童数数行为的规则性和策略化应用特点。研究选取了104名幼儿园中班儿童(年龄范围4-5岁),男女各半,采用现场实验法进行了逐一测查,测查任务为标准计数任务和数字复制任务。结果发现:4-5岁儿童的数数行为已经遵循一些数数规则,如固定顺序原则、一一对应原则和基数原则;但该年龄段的儿童还不会自发地把数数作为问题解决的策略应用于比较两组物体数目的问题上。

关键词: 数数, 固定顺序原则, 一一对应原则, 基数原则, 策略化应用

Abstract: 04 young children from three kindergartens' middle classes were tested for their counting competence.We used the standard counting task to test children's principled understanding of counting.As Gelman and Gallistel (1978) have found,we deduced the stable-order principle,the one-to-one principle and the cardinality principle in Chinese children's counting.And we also found that 4-and 5-year-old children can't apply counting to solve simple arithmetic problems in number reproduction task.

Key words: counting, stable-order principle, one to one correspondence, cardinality


  • B844.12
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