Psychological Development and Education ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 103-109.

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Research Methods of the Accuracy of Judgment in Learning

JIA Ning, BAI Xue-jun, SHEN De-li   

  1. Research Center of Psychology and Behavior, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300074
  • Online:2006-07-15 Published:2006-07-15

Abstract: As an important metacognitive judgment,judgment of learning(JOL) is the prediction about the future performance of learned materials.Accuracy is an important problem in the study of JOL and metacognition monitoring.There are two kinds of JOL accuracies,one is absolute JOL accuracy,and the other is relative JOL accuracy.In the article,the previous method and a revised method-pre-judgment recall and monitoring(PRAM) is described for research on metacognitive monitoring,especially judgments of learning(JOLs).We compared the previous method with PRAM,and figured out that PRAM can investigate psychological processing that previously has been only hypothetical and unobservable.During data collection a new stage of recall occurs just prior to the JOLs,so that during data analysis items can be partitioned into subcategories to measure the degree of JOL accuracy in way that are more analytic than was previously possi ble.A weighted-average combinatorial rule allows the component measures of JOL accuracy to be combined into the usual overall measure of metacognitve accuracy.So,investigators can research on JOL and other metacognitive judgments more analytically and exactly.

Key words: JOL, absolute accuracy, relative accuracy, PRAM

CLC Number: 

  • B841
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