Psychological Development and Education ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 87-92.

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Predicting Effect of School Organizational Climate on Teacher’s Commitment

TIAN Bao1, ZHAO Zhi-hang2   

  1. 1. The Psychology Department of Capital Normal University, BeiJing 100089;
    2. ShiJiazhuang College, ShiJiazhuang 050051
  • Online:2006-07-15 Published:2006-07-15

Abstract: Discussed factors of school organizational climate,which effected teachers.commitment to their organization,based on a survey of 410 teachers from Beijing's high schools.As a result,the revised "Organizational Climate Questionnaire of High School" was a trustful and effective instrument to survey organizational climate related factors of high school teachers.In the dimension of continuance commitment,teachers who hold a bachelor degree were significantly higher than those masters,the same contrast happened on those who had higher title of teaching post to secondary ones of teaching title.Meanwhile,the number of students was positively correlated to teachers.affective and criterion commitment.Furthermore,due to delaminating regression and dominance analysis after the control of demography factors,supportive behaviors,colleagues.behaviors,and alienation behaviors could make a new contribution to predict teachers.emotional commitment,while supportive behaviors and friendliness behaviors were able to create contribution to predict criterion commitment;also,friendliness behaviors could predict continuance commitment.

Key words: organizational climate of school, prganizational commitment, affective commitment

CLC Number: 

  • G47
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