Psychological Development and Education ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 91-96.

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Memory Bias for Self-Relevant Information of People with Different Self-Esteem

TIAN Lu-mei1, ZHANG Xiang-kui2   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014;
    2. Department of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024
  • Online:2008-04-15 Published:2008-04-15

Abstract: Self esteem is not only high or low, but also has different types in each level. Memory bias lies not only among groups, but also in groups themselves. However, very few researches are paid enough attention to these issues. 4(types of self-esteem)×2(valence of words) mixed design was mainly adopted in this study to explore different memory bias of self-relevant information of 184 participants with different self-esteem, in which types of self-esteem were divided according to the consistency between explicit self-esteem, measured with Rosenberg (1965) Self Esteem Scale, and implicit self-esteem, measured with Implicit Association Test. The results were as follows: (1) participants with high explicit self-esteem had more posit ive memory bias than those with low self-esteem; while those with low implicit self esteem had less positive or negative memory bias than those with low self-esteem. (2) for the memory bias as a kind of difference in groups, all groups had positive bias; for the bias as a kind of difference among groups, participants with fragile high self-esteem had more positive bias, but those with low self-esteem had no obvious negative bias either. These results indicate that people with different self-esteem, in different levels or different types, have different memory bias of self-relevant information.

Key words: level of self-esteem, types of self-esteem, self-relevant information, memory bias

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